📣  We're closing down Eversync, despite 18 months of runway. Here is why.

Retail & e-commerce

With increasing number of SKUs, locations & transactions, it's getting exponentially more complex for retail and e-commerce companies to manage their procurement, inventory, picking and delivery processes. With Eversync you can scale your operations with real-time monitors and automated analyses, while your engineering team can focus on building a better customer experience and with that further increase sales.

Use cases for retail & e-commerce

Audit & improve
Expiring items
Identify products with close expiry dates
Slack marketing team to add discount & launch promotion to avoid shrinkage
Inventory planning
Revise the required amount of inventory
Late picking
Identify delivery batches with delays in picking
Notify the warehouse manager to reallocate pickers to avoid delays
Ask warehouse managers to pay more attention
Low stock
Identify products with too low remaining stock based on expected sales
Email category managers to reorder and increase price in the meantime
Improve planning
Modify order amount or reorder frequency to avoid future out of stock

“Eversync allows us to monitor aspects of the business we otherwise miss, but which impact our bottom line. Connecting our data and setting up the key monitors was very fast. It’s becoming our “peace of mind” system.

Ross Crane
CEO, Subdial


Marketplaces need to manage thousands of partners and millions of transactions, while maintaining a healthy balance of supply and demand. Using dashboards or manual analyses are not scalable at such granularity. Eversync empowers both your front-office as well as back-office teams to proactively and automatically identify issues or opportunities, such as partners with declining performance, listings with too high search demand or transactions with potential fraud risks.

Use cases for marketplaces

Audit & improve
Poorly performing partners
Identify partners with declining sales or operational performance
Partner meeting
Ask account manager to meet or call the partner to discuss improvements
Develop or update best practice materials for partners
Suboptimal supply-demand
Identify listings with too many searches relative to the available supply
Slack the marketing team to optimise ad spend
Prioritise leads for sales in undersupplied areas
Bad content
Identify suspicious listings or products with missing relevant information
Remove or update
Notify content team to remove listings or update missing information
Improve process
Improve content check processes to filter out issues earlier

"Eversync allows us to detect and act on granular events that influence our most important KPIs. Before Eversync we could not act at this level, which we found is needed to drive bottom-line impact and not leave value on the table."

Dan Puica
CEO, Imobiliare.ro

Last-mile delivery platforms

Increase utilisation rate. Minimise delivery delays. Maintain a high-performing delivery fleet. Last-mile delivery platforms need to optimise various operational levers to balance between high customer experience and positive unit economics. This requires continuous fine-tuning of monitors & automations that you can easily do in Eversync in minutes, without having to wait for engineering teams.

Use cases for last-mile delivery

Audit & improve
Low rider supply
Identify delivery zones or routes with low rider supply
Extra bonus
Notify riders with extra bonus opportunity
Shift planning
Update future number of shifts or pricing in problematic zones
Delivery delays
Identify delays at certain steps of delivery
Inform customers proactively, apologising for delay
Analyse impact of apologies on reorder rates & optimise messaging
Suboptimal routes
Identify too long drive distances or other route optimisation issues
Adjust routes or reallocate orders to other couriers
Route planning
Revise route planning logic to avoid future issues

“We deployed Eversync in a few minutes - since then, our operations managers save hours of daily work by not having to look at dashboards. On top, our reaction time for key issues has been reduced to minutes, which contributes to better customer experience and lower costs.”

Liviu Herman
CPO, Tazz

Regulated industries

Deadlines to respond to customer requests. Complying with standards. KYC. AML. Fintech or healthtech companies need to spend significant amount of engineering resources to ensure that they meet the ever-changing regulatory and compliance landscape. Fulfil these needs with easily adjustable, data-driven notifications & automations, and let your engineering team spend time on improving your customer experience.

Use cases for regulated industries

Audit & improve
Forthcoming deadlines
Identify requests that need a response within a few days by law
Notify relevant teams to prioritise relevant customers
Support processes
Revise support team processes if issues happen too frequently
Due or missing payments
Identify insurance or refund claims that haven't been paid in full
Follow up
Send email to relevant partners then escalate to account managers if needed
Partner portfolio cleaning
Replace problematic partners with new ones
Missing KYC or AML
Identify accounts where KYC or AML checks need to be (re-)done
Send automated email to customer asking to (re-)upload relevant documents
Understand common fail reasons & prevent them

“Eversync is used at Belle in most functions. Among others it gives us confidence that our operations meets all relevant regulations thanks to its real-time monitoring of our data & the transparent resolution process of potential incidents.”

Alison Lanni
COO, Belle

Traditional MNCs

Monitor your performance on a product or location level. Send personalised recommendations to your field force. Prevent customer churn over time. Large multinational companies, such as telcos or banks, have accumulated a huge amount of data that could be easily utilised to improve efficiency. Go beyond visualisation and activate this data in minutes without lengthy implementation projects.

Use cases for traditional MNCs

Audit & improve
Performance issues
Detect products, locations or customer segments with dropping performance
Action plans
Notify relevant teams and help them create action plans to turn around
Create playbooks from best working action plans
Potential churn
Identify churning customers based on usage behaviour
Special offer
Send automated email with special offer to keep customer
Find root causes
Analyse churn reasons to fix root causes
Billing issues
Identify billing inconsistencies (e.g., uncharged transactions)
Notify finance manager to investigate discrepancies
Fix invoices
Manually modify invoice & fix root causes that broke the billing logic

"Eversync integrates all our data to establish a single source of truth. Utilizing this integrated data, automated workflows and proactive alerts have significantly reduced manual efforts, enhancing our efficiency."

Sebastian Fritz

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