📣  We're closing down Eversync, despite 18 months of runway. Here is why.

Operations maturity quick assessment

September 29, 2022
2 min. read
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Operations maturity quick assessment


Last week one of the operations executives I interviewed with asked me how I would rate his company's maturity in terms of operations management, based on what we have seen in the market.

I liked that question so much that we decided to create our "Operations maturity quick assessment" that takes only 2-3 minutes to complete, but provides you with a rapid overview on where you stand in operations management maturity compared to your peers.

The most difficult part of creating this questionnaire was to compress all of our experience into only a handful of questions. At the end we decided to focus only on day-to-day (or business as usual) operations management maturity that takes the majority of time and thus cost base of all operations heavy companies.

The questions are very simple and are revolved around 5 topics. Let me briefly explain those.



This question tests if you have process maps, related KPI trees or playbooks for your day-to-day operations, and whether you regularly update them.


We want to understand where you store your operational data, as it greatly affects whether your operations teams can use data in a simple, flexible manner.


Do you monitor your operational data regularly? If so, at which granularity? And do you monitor manually or in an automated manner? These are the questions we're testing in this section.

Incident management

If you have operational incidents, it's also essential how you react to these events - do you provide the necessary tools to your team to ensure consistent, best practice resolution?


The last questions refer to whether you have automations already implemented in your day-to-day operations, and if you developed them in-house or you utilised external sources.


Operations maturity quick assessment

And finally, let me share with you the link of the assessment: you can complete the questionnaire here.

Please forward this to your colleagues for whom this may be relevant. And feel free to share with me your results, or reach out if you want to discuss what are some levers to improve your maturity!


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